TRP Media, specialising in providing content related to motorsports in Hungary, has significantly increased its audience. The online publisher, which operates,, and, reached more than 50% of the audience interested in relevant sports in October.

TRP Media’s online portfolio had an exceptionally successful month, as measured by Gemius. TRP Hungary’s online publisher specialising in motor sports content reached more than 540,000 unique visitors in October, making it the leading player in the sector with a share of more than 50%.

The growth driver within the portfolio is, which, thanks to the reorganisation started at the beginning of August, became one of the market leaders in October with more than 400,000 unique visitors. Compared to September, and also saw an increase in traffic.

In order to make further progress, TRP Media will be recruiting new staff from December and will continue to develop its products. The publisher’s portfolio has been audited by Gemius since August, and in the first three months TRP Media was ranked the 24th largest online publisher in the country but in October it had already reached 23rd place and the medium-term goal is to achieve a top 20 result.   

“TRP Hungary entered the media market in 2021 with the acquisition of but the build-up of the portfolio, now called TRP Media, only started in spring 2022. From the beginning of August, we started to consciously develop our portals and our organisation, and I am happy to see that thanks to this, the interest in our products has started to grow dynamically,” said Tamás Őry, CEO of TRP Media.

“I would particularly like to highlight the development of, which has been growing at a significant rate since the end of the summer, setting the direction for our other publications. We are striving to further strengthen our position and, alongside the other two pillars of TRP Hungary, TRP Events, specialising in event management and MOTAM, specialising in sports management, we are also providing a quality experience for our audience and partners in the media market.”